Fertility Enhancing Surgery for Females - Tuboplasty

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Types of Tuboplasty

Various forms of tuboplasty includes:

  • Tubal reanastomosis which involves the removal of obstructed tubal tissue and the connection of healthy segments
  • Fimbrioplasty which focuses on the separation of fused fimbriae
  • Salpingostomy entails creating a new opening at the distal end of the tube
  • Salpingolysis which targets the removal of adhesions surrounding the tube
  • Cornual implantation which entails resecting an occluded segment and connecting the patent section to the uterus, ensuring integration with the endometrial cavity

Techniques Used for Tuboplasty

These procedures are conducted using either a laparotomy or laparoscopy approach, employing various techniques like microsurgery, laser technology, mechanical dissection, hydrodissection, along with use of hoods, surgical stents, and adhesions barriers.

The outcome of the procedure is dependent on the underlying pathology and the proficiency of the surgeon, with pregnancy rates ranging from 0–48%. It’s important to note that a potential complication after tuboplasty is ectopic pregnancy, which may necessitate a salpingectomy, involving the removal of the affected tube.

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